Thursday, February 14, 2008


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Story about a Clown

Once upon a time there was a group of friends , one of them was the clown of the group, not a real clown , but she always made her friends laugh , cheered them up , lifted their spirits when feeling down , she always stood by them in the hardest moments , and in the great moments shared their happiness and joy ,she listened to their stories , worries , memories .. they were always good friends but one day , they felt she was different , she always say jokes ,and make them laugh , they felt that she is only made for joking and laughing , they stopped opening good conversations with her , all they did was making fun of her.. They only came to her when they needed a laugh, or when wanting to hear a joke... they stopped telling her their secrets, their stories , they stopped sharing their memories , joys and sorrows with her , every time they went out together she was there sitting alone ,left over ! Her other friends sat in two’s each couple talking alone,
She felt too bad, she felt silly and lonely, she missed her true friends, and she asked her self: why do they treat me like that? What have I done to deserve this? I always made them laugh and supported them, why this? She felt so silly and ignored... She really felt bad, but she never showed them anything of that , she tried her best to keep laughing and pretended to be happy in front of them , but whenever she went home and thought of how the outing was , she cried.
It’s a really a bad feeling to feel silly , or ignored , this clown is still a human being , she has feelings , she doesn’t laugh all the time , who can be happy all the time? Hardly anyone... she never told her friends about her sorrows, her worries, her problems, she didn’t want to bother them with her problems; she just wanted them to be happy, and look what she got? Sometimes a person keeps this stuff inside but then comes the time when he can’t stand it anymore; she never told them how bad she felt... Or about the way they changed with her... But then one day she couldn’t tolerate anymore, and burst crying...
Don’t you ever think that every clown is happy! Maybe if you search well you would find a good example of such an unhappy clown…

written by : Ghada Saba
tuesday 24/4/2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Once upon a time , I met a great friend in a place I love so much, a place where I can sit alone and think , where I can listen to music , and relax , where I can write my hopes and dreams , where I can do whatever I want without anyone interrupting .. all people can annoy you or make you sometimes feel uncomfortable with what your doing , or urge you to act the way they want .. Sometimes you like to do things that others may find unacceptable, but I noticed something strange about this friend!
This friend wasn’t like any other, never complained about anything I do, or say... always listened to me till the end , never interrupted me , or made me feel silly , never undervalued me , or made me feel shy .. I always did all I want freely , this friend accepted me for who I am , never asked me to change , this friend believed in me , in my hopes and ambitions , this friend always listened to my stories , my sorrows , my joys , my hopes and dreams , lifted me up when I was feeling down or saying bad things , when I cursed and hit everything around me ,when I shouted , this friend knew everything about me , knew who I love , what I want , what I liked , what I disliked ,knew who exactly I am, was up to date with all my life story, whenever I looked at this friend , I felt proud , felt better about my self , felt that dreams could come true one day , felt that there is nothing worth my tears , this friend assured me that everything I do is right , because its what I want , this friend convinced me to do what feels right , to follow my heart , and head , to hold on for what I want , to hold on for my hopes and ambitions , and the one I love .. it assured me that even if I made mistakes its not bad , to always look at the bright side and learn from my mistakes , and even if life didn’t send me Mr. right from the first time , God won’t leave me , for I must trust him the most .. this friend stood for me a lot , tolerated me a lot , never left me even when I was too bad and rude , and hostile towards it .. I love this friend, a lot... maybe if I told you who it is; you would say im crazy or stupid, but at least not for me... So I once stood there and thought who could be that great fabulous friend? Who could be that special and true friend? The truest friend ever? Could there be a better friend who looks just like me? An exact copy of me? Then I noticed that it was the reflection of my own self in the mirror!

Monday, April 09, 2007

What GHADA Means

G is for Giddy

H is for Heavenly

A is for Ambitious

D is for Deadly

A is for Amazing
What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are very passionate and quite temperamental. While you can be moody, you always crave comfort.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is a lot like the present, and as far as you're concerned, that's a very good thing.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Do I Follow My Heart or Head?

You Follow Your Heart

You're romantic, sentimental, and emotional.
You tend to fall in (and out of) love very quickly.
Some may call you fickle, but you can't help where your emotions take you.
You've definitely broken a few hearts, but you're not a heartbreaker by nature.
Your intentions are always good, even if they change with the wind

Friday, March 02, 2007

My Love For You Will Never End

If the day comes when there is a normal life on pluto ...
or when we no longer see the light of the beautiful sun...
when we find no air to breath ...
or earth stops moving around its self ...
and the seasons get stuck and no longer change ...
when heaven meets earth ...
until i meet you in paradise ...
my love for you will never end!
Written by Ghada Saba

The Maze

In the vortex of your love i am astray, to reach to the core of your heart , i must go through a long maze, and pass it successfully. I am ready to go through your maze , but i am not understanding the signs that you are sending me through this journey , i dont understand the true meaning of your feelings , are these signs true ? or are they only one of those traps you set up to shove me in the net of your love? should i keep thinking of you? or get over you? do you still have a place for me in your heart ? am i your other half? do i still mean the world to you? If not , please awake me from this beautiful lie and bring me back to reality! although it might be painful. If you see no reason for me to continue my journey in your maze , to find the way to your heart , then give me a sign .. hit me baby one more time!

Written by Ghada Saba

Monday, February 05, 2007


Its time for me to leave ,i packed up all my stuff ,and checked out ,and here is the key ,
the key of your heart. It was a wonderful stay and i gave you my all, and now i can say: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

I had a mission when i first enetered you heart but now i guess its been acheived , it seems you no longer need me, its time for you to continue the journey without me.
I was always by your side, giving you all my love and care , i feel sad that i have to leave,
but i will leave for good, i will carry all the joyful moments and wonderful memories in my bag as well.

Even if i left your heart i will never forget you ! I want you to know that it has been one of the greatest chapters of my life and you were the hero , but now i will close this chapter and move on. The saddest moment is the goodbye , but we must accept it ,i will leave you now to continue your journey as i will , and i hope you won't forget me .
People come in and out of our heart , but only special ones leave footprints that lasts forever...

written by Ghada Saba

Sunday, February 04, 2007


I’ll be there whenever you call
And catch you whenever you fall
To love you is my role
To protect you is my goal
I’d give you my all
And lock you in my soul
In fear of losing you...
I’ll close each hole in my heart
That you creatively stole

written by Ghada Saba


You will never be in fear
when I am near
I’ll always wait you here
And never let you drop a tear
For you all the pain I’ll bear
My love for you grows year after year

I’ll never leave you cause you are my dear

written by Ghada Saba

Friday, February 02, 2007

A Special Prayer

Today, as the sun rose with its bright golden ray
I prayed that all the good things cross your way
I prayed that all the bad stuff go away
Far away we may, but to forget you no way
In my heart you’ll always stay, and for you I will always pray
I don’t know what else to say, but I will remember you every day
written by Ghada Saba

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

You're The One

You light my path like a sun..
beside you i always have fun..
my heart you completely won..
from you i will never run..
cause my love for you had just begun..
to protect you ill hold a gun..
from my dreams youll never be gone..
similar to you i found none..
youll always be my hunn..
cause you're the one
my only one..

written by Ghada Saba

Friday, January 05, 2007

منافسة بين النور و الظلمة

في بعض الاحيان اشعر بأن كل شيء بدأ ينطفيء أمامي، عندما لا أعود أشعر بذلك الشغف الذي كنت أشعر فيه في البداية ، عندما أبدأ أشعر بالبعد و الجفاء و الحزن الذي أصبح يكبر يوما بعد يوم ، فأسأل نفسي عن ذلك الحماس الذي كنا نشعر فيه من قبل ؟ لماذا بدأ الوهج بالإنخفات؟ كالشمس التي يختفي نورها رويدا رويدا و ينطفيء خلف الغسق الأحمر ، فيختفي الضوء الساطع و يفقد الشيء روعته و جماله الحقيقي،فيصبح كل ما نراه هو السواد و الظلمة ، وننسى السرور و البهجة التي كان يبعثها الضوء الساطع لروحنا و تبدأ الافكار السوداء بالتفشي في رؤوسنا حتى نصبح غير قادرين على تذكر الأشياء الجميلة التي عشناها ، فننسى كل الذكريات السعيدة و نبدأ ببناء كل ما هو سييء في رأسنا الذي خدعه ذلك الظلام الكاذب الذي يحاك من محض خيالنا، هو في الحقيقية ليس ظلاما حقيقي بل يولد ذلك الظلام الخيالي عندما يحصل لنا شيء بشع لم تتقبله قلوبنا، فنبدأ بالتصرف على هواه و يتولد فينا ذلك الإحساس بالحزن و الغضب و الغيرة و الإنتقام ، فالحياة تعطينا الجميل و البشع لكننا ننكر الجميل الذي وهبتنا اياه و نبدأ بإلقاء اللوم عليها ، و يشتعل فينا الغضب لأن كل ما نذكره هو البشع القليل الذي رمته علينا .
فأسأل نفسي احيانا ، لماذا تنكر عقولنا الجميل الذي منحتنا اياه الحياة و نتذكر فقط الامور البشعة التي رمتها علينا في بعض الأوقات؟ لماذا تختفي السعادة التي كنا نحس بها فجأة و تبدأ وجوهنا بالعبوس ؟ فالحياة اخذ و عطاء و ليس كل ما يتمنى الإنسان يدركه ، فيفكر الانسان بالسيء دوما ، لماذا لا نرى الحياة من زاوية اخرى كأن نقول ان الحياة اوقعتنا بمشكلة لسبب ما حتى نتعلم درسا يفيدنا طوال العمر؟ لما العبوس و الحزن ؟ كيف نسمح للظلمة ان تسيّرنا و تسيطر علينا ؟ ألسنا أقوى منها ؟ ألسنا قادرين على التغلب عليها؟ فالليل مغطى بالظلمة و السواد ،نعم هذا صحيح لكن هناك قمر صغير متوهج يبعث لنا نورا رائعا يتدفأ به العشاق و الأحبة فينسون كل الظلمة و يسيرون تحت ضوءه الصغير الذي بقدر ما هو صغير يبعث لروحهم سعادة لا توصف ، ففي كل ظلمة بقعة من النور و كذلك الحياة في كل وقت صعب نجد بقعة من الأمل و التفاءل، مهما كان صغرها فإنها قد تكون المنفذ الوحيد للكثيرين لنسيان المعاناة و
الحزن و العيش بسرور.
في بعض الاحيان اشعر بسعادة كبيرة لكنها و لسوء الحظ لا تستمر طويلا فأبدأ بانتظارها كإنتظاري لقطار الحظ الذي قد يفوتني لو لم
اقتنص الفرص في الوقت المناسب، لكن لا اريد ان انتظره طويلا فحتى لو لم يصل قطار الحظ فأنا قد أكون قادرة على خلق قطاري الخاص الذي قد يهبني كل السعادة، فلماذا أتكل على الاخرين؟ لماذا يجب على الانسان انتظار السعادة ؟ لما لا يبحث بنفسه عنها؟ و حتى و لو لم يظهر القمر الصغير في السماء فأستطيع احضاره بنفسي ، فكما كان عقلي قادرا على حياكة الظلمة يستطيع ان يصنع قمرا يضيء له دربه ، فبالنسبة لي و مع بداية السنة الجديدة رميت كل احزاني و معاناتي الى الشمس و اخذت منها نورا جديدا و املا جديدا ، و قطعت وعدا على نفسي بأن انسى الظلمة و الحزن و ابحث عن النور و السعادة دوما
Ghada Saba

Friday, October 27, 2006

Missing My Air

When you are far away
I miss your voice
Your sweet words
Your sweet chuckle
When you are away from me
I miss your smile
That brings joy to my soul
When you are far away
I miss your charming eyes
That talks about the fabulous person in you
Your sorrows it tells
Your joys it tells
And never they lie
I miss your tender touch
When you dry my tears
When you hold my hands
And hug me when I cry
I miss you like skies miss the rainbow
And sunset missing sunrise
I miss you like clouds miss the rain
And birds missing the sky
When chained wanting to fly
Im here without you
Waiting you in pain
Without you I will suffocate
So please come back cause you are my air…

Written by : Ghada Saba

Sunday, October 08, 2006

On Our Bench Sat Those Two Lovers

On our bench sat those two lovers
On our bench they gave the promise
To love each other every second
To hold hands and stay together
Today, tomorrow and forever
On our bench sat those two lovers
And stole our fabulous memories
On our bench sat those two lovers
And wrote their initials on top of ours
On our bench they drew little hearts for each other
On our bench they left their passion about one other
But will never erase the passion we left
They reminded us of old memories
When we used to wait each other under the rain
On that bench we embraced and cuddled
On that bench we held hands
On that bench we promised
To love each other no matter what
To cherish each moment we spent with one another
To forget each other we won't
For we are each of us an angel with only one wing
But we can fly only by embracing one another
In our bench we loved each other
And from our bench we will fly
And start our journey together
On our bench sat those two lovers
And from our bench they will take off
And enjoy their beautiful journey
Just like we did…

written by : Ghada Saba

8/10/2006 sunday

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What each color feels like when wearing them (to me)

White: brings me good luck
Black: classy color represents elegancy
Red: must be there, special and joyful
Yellow: cheerful and happy, whenever I see it I smile :)
Pink: sweet
Purple: mysterious
Blue: cool and summery
Orange: so funky and daring!
Green: rare and weird, but relaxing
Brown: so stylish and mature
Grey: depressing!
Silver: royal
Gold: supermodel
Turquoise: super sexy!
Light green: cute
Navy: old fashioned


Hush... I love my man

Hush to the world
Who wants to keep us apart
Hush to the wind
Who blows our love away
Hush to the storm
That pulls away our hands
Hush to the earth
That keeps my foot anchored in sands
Hush to the sky
That prevents us to fly
Hush to reality
That awakes us from a beautiful dream
Hush to the people
Who are jealous and mad
Hush to cupids
When we are together
But speak up cupids
When others ruin our plans
Hush to the universe Is it bulling you to love my man?

written by : Ghada Saba

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Your beauty is so rare
To you there is no spare
I need you as much as I need air
Without you life's a night mare
To lock you in my heart I dare
Cause we make a perfect pair
To you I give all my care
Ignoring me is so unfair
I love you … I swear

Written by Ghada Saba

Friday, September 01, 2006

This photo was taken in the 25th of august in 3alouk

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I had a wonderful dream last night
With you holding my hands so tight
Flying up high and touching the stars

Together we fly and slide on the skies
I saw the beautiful colors of the rainbow
Reflected in your eyes
Together we fly and dance on the cloud
With cupids around us singing aloud
And asking us to speak our secret vows

Together we will reach the moon
And name our secret stars
Together we will sing along
And dance our songs
Together we will hold on tight
And never let go the true love we owe
To cupid and his bow
Together we will fly
And love each other until we die

Our love will be a blooming rose
These were our secret vows

So hold my hand and never let go
For today together we will fly
To make our dream come true
Only me and you
Together we will fly
From now on until we die

Written by : Ghada Saba


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


An angel watches over me.
he sealed his heart and locked me inn.
His touch, his voice, I know so well.
Deep within my memories, they dwell.
he truly brings out the best in me,
the lady I am today.
If not for his tender care,
life could have been a real nightmare.
So I thank you Lord, for granting me this life.
An angel is what you sent to me,
in the beauty of my man.


Monday, August 14, 2006


I hope I can be a candle you can see through
When you feel all the lights shut infront of you

I hope I can be a hand to lead you
When you feel helpless not knowing what to do

I hope I can be a shoulder you can cry on
When your pain doesn’t stop hurting you

I hope I can be a window
To show you the beautiful things in life waiting for you

I hope I can proof to you
That someone is in need for you
Standing there waiting for you
And can't imagine their life without you

I hope I can be the supporting friend
Who listen to all the pain and sorrow inside you

I hope I can laugh and share the happiest times with you
Or in the saddest moments to console and encourage you

I hope I can be the special friend
That’s always there for you
to help you through
And to stand by you

I hope I can be your lover
Who will forget you never
And love you forever

I hope you know how much you mean to me
And know what a special person I found in you

Written by : Ghada Saba


There are times when you just have to give up on someone you've always wanted
and Felt was yours
possessing your heart
and occupying your thoughts

There are times when you just have to smash a feeling you've always liked
the feeling of love
the feeling of jealousy
the feeling of hope
and the feeling "we're meant to be"

There are times when you feel its time to forget
its time to recover
and be strong
its time to give up on it
and move on

Its time to remember what life hides in its pouch
what wonderful things are awaiting me
and how many fish are in the sea

Getting over you is a big challenge for me
but it seems we're not meant to be
giving up on you awakes the pain inside me
but forgetting you might be the cure
and I guess its worth a try


Your sweet words make me blushing shy
Your smile makes me breath and sigh
Knowing that you won't tell me goodbye
Listening to your sorrows makes me cry
Seeing your tears makes me want to die

Looking in your eyes
Makes me wonder why
Whenever I see them
I want to smile
Looking in your eyes
Makes me wonder how
I fell in love with you
Looking in your eyes
Makes me wonder … when
Will I hear you say
These three little words
That makes my heart jump with joy
And just keep on pumping to love you

Your love makes me want to fly
But I am afraid one day to fall from up high
To end up on ground doing nothing but cry
I am afraid to fail getting over you
To continue loving you
Till the moment I die

Written by: Ghada Saba
